From Working Capital to Leading PR Firm: Mother’s Motivation Drives K2’s 20-Year Journey

It brings me tremendous pleasure and honour to convey the joyful news in which you have played a crucial role. So, on March 9th, we will have completed 20 full, roaring, and wonderful years from 2003 to 2023 and continuing. We sincerely appreciate your support. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be here enjoying this moment and celebrating.

We are prepared for the challenges of the future. Be it in applying artificial intelligence (AI), new media, or our nationwide content creation and media network. We are in a position to lead the PR industry with a universally appealing blend of honesty, integrity, and trust.

It has been amazing to travel through two decades of history so quickly, to have persevered through numerous business failures while maintaining composure, to live in a time of technological growth, and to have managed to keep the team together. Our accomplishment has been our values and being nimble.

An agency brand that is remembered by its name and stands strong in the minds of our industry peers despite many new PR agencies emerging and established brands that have grown multi-fold but K2 still stands strong in its achievement of retaining the third largest IT services corporate account- “Wipro Limited” for 20 years, which is itself a source of pride and a feather in our cap that we have achieved being an on-the-go company.

Today, I want to express my gratitude to many of them—the number is infinite—for the friendship and affection they have given K2 and me over our 20-year journey. It was never simple to start a business in the 2000s,so I want to thank my mother first for providing me with working capital and supporting me when I had great financial difficulties. It was her inspiration that helped me become strong, and with her by my side as a Director of K2, she persuaded me to reach the desired outcome. My mother’s divine power lies in building my strength and serving as a symbol of resilience.

I must appreciate the three musketeers who accompanied K2 on his voyage and significantly contributed to its beauty and a lasting memory. Thank you to Praveen, Sumit, and Venu for encouraging co-workers. Without them, we could have halted or failed to build a media-friendly brand.

My media friends and clients have consistently supported us and witnessed our growth over the years. They have also recalled our values and the ties we have built. I want to acknowledge my bestie- Philip Da, who was with me at the inception of K2 and has returned to be a part of our journey once again. I want to further extend my appreciation to - Srini Venugopal, a media veteran, has been a constant source of support and guidance for us. prashant-g-n Narasimha, another media professional contributed immensely to the team and networking with the media fraternity and enhancing K2's reputation. With three of the former journalists beside me, K2 can go the extra mile rolling out a PAN India launch.

I can’t thank enough my colleagues- Sania Fernandez, Umashankara Sharma, Swagata Dutta, Anuradha Agarwal, Rashmi Prabhakar, Ritu Manohar, Govindraj, Abhishek Vissapragada and many more support staff, and associates. Their invaluable contributions have been nothing short of remarkable, and their expertise in planning and executing campaigns stands out. Together, they form a team of exceptional individuals, I feel advantaged to work alongside these exceptional individuals who share the same goal of bringing success to K2 Communications.

This note would be incomplete without these special mentions- remembering my bitter better half and my son, who brought about a difference in my life style. My family, sisters, who are a part of my success journey. I can’t go thanking without mentioning Rakshit for his immense supporting bring about a brand image for K2.

Last but not the least, my K2 Alumni, who still have great regard for K2 and are always wishing to see K2 grow leaps and bounds.

Today, I make a promise to you that K2 Communications will continue to grow at an accelerated pace each year, propelling us towards our goal of becoming a premier communications brand within the next five years. We are committed to upholding our reputation as a respected PR firm, continuously striving to innovate and push boundaries in our industry.

Therefore, on behalf of K2 and me, thank you. We have immense hope and optimism for the upcoming 20 years. with you by our side.



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