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Let's change the world, one brand at a time

No matter what they tell you, people are the most important resources of any industry. More so in the service sector like PR. That is why K2 holds its people in high esteem. We also know that work has to have a healthy balance with your personal life. We promote a healthy work-life balance. We have with us some of the best PR professionals who are an asset to the industry as they are to the company. We strive to improve everybody at K2 to do their best in the profession as they do to with their family life. We want good people to join us all the time. Because good workers are a necessity for growth. So, if you feel you are cut out for a career in PR, have high ethical values, and belief that you can contribute to the welfare of K2 and the world, then check out our current openings...
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Our benefits

Why work with K2?

A long-time career satisfying and rewarding, ensuring a healthy work-life balance, and security in the form of health insurance and a working atmosphere of learning, cheer, and well-being that is the cynosure of the world at large.

Competitive Compensation

We meet the industry standards and believe in meeting the employee's expectations.

Healthy Work-Life Balance

We promote a healthy work-life balance because it is for the best of the employee as well as the company.

Health Insurance Coverage

Good health is a pre-requisite to a good life and that is why K2 has health coverage for all employees.

A Cheerful Office Environment

While work has some serious aspects and is a part of life, it does not mean you have to be somber and glum. That's why cheerfulness is much appreciated.
Open positions

What's your talent?


Public Relations Executive

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Web Technologist or Web Designer

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